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GANIGP Fall2024

In Dalton GA

Training and EXPO

Government Employees and Students

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Dalton Convention Center

Diamond = $5,000 Present to over 100 procurement professionals during LUNCH and have booth at EXPO (2 Reps)

Sapphire = $ 4,000 Present to over 100 procurement professionals during BREAKFAST and have booth at EXPO (2 Reps)

Ruby = $3,000 Prominent signage and networking during Breaks and booth  at EXPO (2 Reps)

Emerald = $1,500 booth at EXPO (2 Reps)

 Sponsorships include:

  •  All Meals
  •  Attendee Registration for 2 Reps
  •  6x30 Draped Table
  •  Trash Can
  •  2 Chairs
  •  Free WIFI
  •  Electricity provided by center at a cost
  •  Free Electricity if you bring your own cords and strips
  •  Networking Opportunities at the Hotel Hospitality Room
  •  Supplier Classes provided by DOAS
  •  List of Attendees following the event


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